

by EBB Junior

WOMEN is a collective creation choreographed and performed by 24 women from 8 different countries, differents cultures, history and ideas that meet together to find their common home: their body. Gata-Cattana’s words are also their: “My freedom does not fit in white legged jails”, “I do not recognize authority beyond my body



Artistic coordination: Ana Cabo & Jean-Philippe Dury
Choreographic coordination: Jean-Philippe Dury
Stage Design: Yoko Seyama
Dancers: EBB junior dancers
Choreographic assistant: Andrea Méndez Criado

Small/medium format, 12 – 28 dancers
Length: 60 minutes
Premiere: Teatro Conde Duque, Festival Ellas Crean. March, 2018,

All the hearts are the same heart. Truly extraordinary. I left the theater with the same peace they chose from themselves and with no glory at all, with the only desire to go out and embrace humanity as a whole
Nuria Ruiz de Viñaspre